DLAC Senior Residence was the first of two buildings, phase one including a senior facility, while phase two would include a charter school. The challenges of the site began when introduced to the New York FEMA maps, which set the water table for the buildings at 10’ above the base plane. Understanding this, all major programmatic and residential elements were moved above the second floor. By pushing this elements above, there was an opportunity to provide a generous and open lobby which became an area of exploration in interior design. Using inspiration from the beach nearby, we created a graphic representation of crashing waves imprinted in the wall panel system of the lobby, which carried itself up to the second floor amenity spaces. This sense of movement up the building continues as seniors are given ample indoor and outdoor community spaces as they continue up to the laundry room and community room at the setback floor.
Role: Junior Architect / Designer, Preliminary Design - Design Development
Building : 58,000 SF
Type: Affordable Senior Residence
Design in collaboration with Marty Kapell, Brian Dobrolsky